Introducing Base Fare

May 4, 2024 By News Comments Off

We at NJ Luxury Rides, value the trust and loyalty of our customers above all else, which is why we are reaching out with a sincere message regarding a recent change in our pricing structure. Effective immediately, we are implementing a base fare across all our fleets, and we want to take a moment to explain why. Over the years, the transportation industry has faced numerous challenges, including fluctuating fuel prices, increasing maintenance costs, and regulatory requirements. As a result, we have found ourselves grappling with the difficult decision of how to serve our customers best while ensuring our business’s sustainability.

After careful consideration and extensive deliberation, we reluctantly concluded that introducing a base fare was necessary to maintain the quality of our service and uphold our commitment to transparency. While we understand that this change may inconvenience some of our loyal patrons, please know that it was not a decision we made lightly.

We sincerely apologize for any frustration or confusion this may cause, and we want to assure you that our priority remains to provide reliable, affordable airport shuttle service options to all our customers. By establishing a base fare, we aim to offer a more transparent pricing structure that eliminates hidden fees and ensures consistency in our rates.

We recognize that trust is earned, not given, and we are committed to earning back any trust that may have been lost due to this change. We will continue to listen to your feedback, adapt to your needs, and strive to exceed your expectations with every ride.

For more information about the base fare and how it may affect your future rides, contact our 24-hour helpline at +1 (732) 852-3289. Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we navigate these challenging times together.